“Today you are you! That is truer than true!
There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

Dr. Seuss



Have a special out of town friend who had a first baby? Use wrapping paper as a liner for the box and fill the box with those necessities you know she will need but may not know yet and will not mind getting more if she already has. I put from baby Qtips to a window shade, plus a few special gifts. I LOVE the prayer bear, doll or angel that recites "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer when squeezed. For little Emma Horton, born five weeks ago, at only 25 weeks gestation, I sent an angel! Thank God she is doing fine and growing cuter everyday. Please, add her name to your prayers or thoughts tonight! 


This article was originally posted on http://arttipsandthoughts.blogspot.com
Any reproduction on any other site is prohibited and a violation of copyright laws.

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