You may use them to train your baby to drink from a straw or maybe you like them for car trips. They are indeed practical!
The problem is if you do not wash the straw right after each use, a black residue builds up inside it, right? Well, that is bacteria and fungi that feeds on the sugar and fat residue from juice or milk. Yuck! I know! If you baby does the sign for dirty when he grabs his sippy, then you know you have to do something about it!
The solution? Dr. Brown's, the maker of Natural Flow baby bottles, makes a cleaning brush for the straw of its Natural Flow® bottles! You can find it at Babies R Us and Amazon.com. A cartoon with 4 costs U$4.49. It fits perfectly any sippy cup straw.
This article was originally posted on http://arttipsandthoughts.blogspot.com
Any reproduction on any other site is prohibited and a violation of copyright laws.
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